Visiting "pick your own" farms during the Summer time is wonderful, Strawberries especially find their way into our fridge and are more than missed when they go out of season. However the new craze see's your favourite PYO farm turn into a haven for pumpkin pickers.
I soon found a sweet little farm that offered Pumpkin Picking as well as a farm shop. It also gave us the perfect excuse to take a walk in the New Forest, as we were so close.
We stomped our way up and down the tracks, looking for the best pumpkins around. Big ones, small ones, slightly weird looking ones. They were all there and searching for a better home for Halloween.
The orange Newlook jumper made for the perfect pumpkin picking attire, blending it so well with the fields. I even had help from Sev and Lily to pick the right pumpkin to decorate our home with this Autumn.