A few Weekends ago Sev and Lily got invited to a very special event in Windsor, to blog about the awesome DogFest experience. They kindly took us a long with them, as VIP's [of course!]
DogFest is put together by the one and only, Noel Fitzpatrick or as a lot of people know him...Super Vet! The perfect dog festive for all dog lovers that their four-legged friends can come along too. Stalls with every sort of dog friendly item filled the wonderful park that the dog show was held in. The have-a-go actives were perfect for every pooch and even a bar....we do know I like a Prosecco.
I met some wonderful brands and companies there, both new to me and ones we've all loved for so long.
A new one that particularly got us excited was Bark Bites, a graze box type subscription treat box for dogs. What a genius idea! The guys in charge were super passionate about their awesome product- and so they should be. Lily and Sev adored the treats that are both super healthy and super yummy ♥
We also got to meet our friends at Ditsy Pet again. The gorgeous leads, collars and bows drew us in at Crufts earlier in the year so it was so lovely to see them at DogFest. Their stall was stunning full of all the colours of the rainbow, and my shopping list got even bigger. Lily was actually modeling her Ditsy pet bow tie that day, so she showed it off perfect for them.

Sev and Lily got to meet so many of their instagram friends, have photos at the stalls that we loved and even got freebies by the bagful.
We dropped by Barking Heads to see their awesome VW camper and Thank them for our blogger goodie bag. Companies we've met and chat to through the dog friendly blogging community and really rather wonderful!
We got to lunch at the VIP tent with Emma, Alfie and James [of Alfie Bear] before having a private talk with Noel himself. A very down to earth man who obviously loves what he does and is excited to share his ideas with the world to make our pets lives even better. As an orthopedic Veterinary Nurse myself we deal with a lot of the cases you see on the TV programme, however he just goes above and beyond to help research for our pets.
It was so great to finally meet Olives Larder, after testing their treats out at work and for the Spaniels. Their stand was lovely and I lusted after the leads they offer for longer than I should of. We really love the look of their baking kits for dogs, although the pooches know they're never as good as the real thing.
Thank you so much DogFest for having us for the day, we can't wait to go back again next year.