I don't believe that I'm actually writing that my little puppy is now six months old, where has the time even gone! ♥
On the 24th of this month, Lily turned a whole six months old! The time has whizzed by so quickly and although we love the pretty young thing she's growing into, we miss the mushy little squish face that she was.
I'd do anything to have Severus back as a puppy again, he transformed so quickly, and I don't think we ever took enough photographs of him as a young puppy. Even if he was a pain in the bum, my heart beats when I think of little Sevvy. However, with Lily, we kind of wish she'd be an adult dog already. Puppy hood is hard, hard work, and I just want her and Sev to be best friends already. Saying that we have certainly made the most of her puppyness, photographing them both every week [most of which make an appearance on their Instagram page] and taking her to some very exciting places for her to experience as much as she can.
Lily enjoys getting all the toys from the box and collecting them in her bed.
She loves to snuggle with Sev, and when he doesn't move it makes me heart melt with happniess.
Giving kisses on mouths is her favoruite thing to do, to bigger dogs.
Tilly and her still aren't best friends, but we almost had play time the last time they were together.
She is still rather timid and becomes skitty at times with other dogs or people she doesn't like.
Lily isn't as confident as Sev, but she does seem a little more independent, usually taking her self off upstairs [on to our bed!!!] where as Sev always stays close and needs to know where we are.
Her training is coming along slowly but steady, and always gives you her paw if she doesn't know what you actually want her to do.
At six months old she weighed 8.4kg, and has so far been smaller than Sev at the same time of growing. She is getting a lot taller though, and my hopes of a 10kg pooch are slowly fading away. I really hope she's not bigger than her lean brother though [Sev is around 12kg]
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