Come December I will be full of the festive spirit, we'll get the tree up early in the month, and plans have started about where we'll be and who we will see.
Having Sev and Lily means we have a proper little family, fur-parents none the less, we still have to think about them. Christmas can be a stressful time for pets, as it's all a little different, the garden is coming into the living room, pretty decorations are ready to play with, the humans friends are popping in and out and there are so many gorgeous smells...does Mum even bake Christmas cookies?!
Festive Food
Avoid chocolate, alcohol, grapes, garlic, Christmas Pud, onions, nutmeg and salty food.
Festive Decorations
It's not just foods that cause a problem to your pooch and feline friends, keep them away from holly, ivy and mistletoe. As well as this watch for any low chocolate on the tree, tinsel that could be munched or turkey bones that could get stuck.
Christmas Chaos
If your pet isn't used to having people in and out of the house a lot, this may become super stressful and bring out anxiety that you never knew they had. Children can also become a problem, if they aren't used to them, as well as everyone being a little loud and merry!
Make a little den, or room that your dog can escape to if they need some time out. Make sure it's safe and cosy for them, and praise them when they are being good, ignore them when they're showing behaviour you don't want to see.
9 out of 10 owners will buy their pets a present, however much I am one of those people, it still surprises me how much a part of the family they are to almost everyone. As well as this, a quarter of pets have an advent calendar...obviously Sev and Lily are in that figure.
There are some great presents out there to keep them from getting bored on Christmas, while the attention sways from them. Mind games are are awesome, as well as treat games where they have to work for the goodies, It doesn't always have to be about the food, although I'm sure they wouldn't mind if it is.
I hope this helps to get thinking about your pets this Christmas, although presents are lovely, being safe and happy is really what they want...and maybe to watch the Queens speech with you, like 1 in 10 pets this Christmas ♥
Find our more on how to have a pet safe Christmas